Monday, August 29, 2011

Red Tape

Lots to report since my last post!

I worked  a few days at the theatre last week, packing boxes and boxes of props (aka glassware and other breakables) and using a ton of newspaper. My hands were SO DARK after awhile, with the ink rubbing off on my hands, that was pleasant! Thank goodness for sinks and soap and water =P

I also worked a bunch at the country club, weddings mostly. Nothing too exciting to report there, just the same old same old!

Regarding the cruise job: NO I do not yet have a date. Trust me, when I know, y'all will know, too. I am waiting for my surgeon to fill out some paperwork and then I will send it to them and they will hopefully approve it and then sometime after that I will have a ship out date. Red tape is evil but necessary, they just want to make sure I won't get broken again.

The sentencing for the guy that hit us was Thursday morning. Me, my friend Erica and my sister all got up early to go downtown to be there for it and for me to make a statement. Here's how it all went down:

We arrive at the Justice Center at 9am. We go to the floor that the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney told me to go to and I go and try to find her. A guard tells me that she isn't down yet and to have a seat and she will call my name. So we do.

TWO HOURS LATER, after the light on the court didn't even light up until 10:15, I go up and I say, "Is _________ here yet?" "Go back to that table and ask for her" "Ok." So I go back to this table and ask for her. She stands up "Are you Brittany?" "Yes" So she walks over to me....
"Ok, well, it happened already."
"What did?"
"The sentencing."
She then explains that she went into the courtroom earlier (idk how much earlier) and told the court that she wished to be present for the sentencing and that the victim was going to be there to make a statement. Then she says that she went back in awhile later to see how things were going and they told her they had already done it.......nowhere in there did she ever call my name to talk to me. Keep in mind here folks that I had never met her before and had only spoken to her on the phone. RIDICULOUS. So I say:
"Well...that sucks."
"Yeah, they've done that to me before."
"Ok, so, what did he get?"
"2 years of probation and 10 years license suspension."
"He can't do anything wrong in the eyes of the law without being thrown in jail....and he won't be allowed to drive for ten years."
"Well...that's good....would us being present have changed anything?"
"No, it just would have given you the satisfaction of being able to speak your mind."
"Yeah...that would have been nice."
"So, I will type up the information and send it to you."
"I'm sorry it didn't work out like planned, but, considering his record isn't too bad I think this was a fair sentence."

Then we said our goodbyes, shook hands, and I got into the elevator with Erica and Jenn and cried. I agree that that was a pretty good sentence for him, and I hope that he screws up again and gets in trouble, but, I wish I could have looked him in the face and told him exactly what happened to me in my own words...made him apologize to me, etc. It's hard to not be angry with our legal system, but, I am trying to figure that everything happens for a reason and to not worry too much about it. Completely ridiculous, though, for sure.

On to happier things! Friday morning I left Cleveland to come to Pittsburgh to visit some of my besties :) We've had a fantastic time and I'm leaving in a little bit to go home :( Lots of hanging out, goofing around, eating delicious food, goood times!!

Working a whole bunch this week, hoping time flies by until I am approved and can FINALLY go on my cruise job!!!!!

Thanks for reading, y'all, and I'm glad those of you who live in the Eastern coastal part of the USA are all ok after the Hurricane/Tropical Storm! <3


Friday, August 19, 2011

Done with Physical Therapy!

As most of you will know from my Facebook, I am DONE with Physical Therapy!! Woo hoo!!! As you can tell I am real excited about this.

Other than that, I've just been working and keeping myself busy. I will hopefully hear from RC about my medical paperwork approval and then shortly thereafter I will hopefully have a ship assignment! I need to start making lists of things I would need to do before I left on the ship so that if I only have a weeks notice I won't forget anything.

I also have copies of all of my x-rays now, so, if you're interested in seeing them let me know! I may post them on here eventually, but, I'm too lazy right now :P

Hope you're all doing well, short post tonight, but, I'll keep you updated. I swear!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Random updates on my life

Hey hey hey

So my weekend alone was awesome! Thursday night I just relaxed at home and made dinner and watched TV and worked on my cross-stitch. Friday I wrote some cards for 5 of the upcoming Allegheny freshmen class members and then went salsa dancing! That's right, I got dolled up and went to the Russian restaurant where I used to work where they, oddly enough, have salsa dancing on Friday nights! Saturday I relaxed more during the day and then some friends came over in the early evening and we went swimming at the lake and grilled some food and had a good time. Finally on Sunday I went over to visit my sister and we swam at the pool in her apartment complex and watched True Blood!

Since then things have been pretty usual. Been going to therapy, 4 more sessions and counting! I forgot to mention in my last post that my doctor was impressed with how well I had progressed and the fact that I was able to sit Indian-Style on the exam table. He walked in and was shocked! =D

I have also been getting all of my ducks in a row to leave for the cruise job whenever they ask me to! Got my physical done and all the blood-work and everything so we just have to wait for the doctor to finish all the paperwork. I also got a HUGE duffel bag to pack everything in. #winning!

I've had some emotional ups and downs this past week +, but, hopefully those are done for (for now anyways) and I can balance out and focus on getting better and looking forward to getting away for 6.5 months!