Thursday, May 5, 2011


Hey everyone.

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted last, I haven't had a whole lot to report! It's getting late, so this post will be short but I do have some exciting highlights to share with y'all before bed:

--I will have my 3rd interview with Royal Caribbean at 10am on the 12th! Eeek!!
--I have been sleeping on one of the couches in the house all week since that way I can sleep on my left side and be propped against the back of the couch for support. You see, up until Monday night I had been sleeping on my back every night since April 2nd, and you must understand that ever since I was even in the womb I have been a girl who moves around in her sleep. When I was little it was bad, I would thrash and roll about in the night, I had to have one of the guards so that I wouldn't fall out of my "Big Girl Bed". Nowadays I don't trash but I do switch positions several times in the night, and I rarely start out sleeping on my back. SO having no choice but to sleep on my back ALL NIGHT, EVERY night, was not doing great things for me. So my wonderful mom had the idea to put me on the couch with my pillows and a few comforters and let me tell you--it's been amazing.
--Today was the first day since discharge that I took my pain medication at 8 am and didn't take ANYTHING during the day until my 8pm meds. That is a milestone, ladies and gentlemen. I did have some soreness in my pelvis but no real pain. Yay!!
--I would also like to note that I've pretty much gotten my full range of motion back in my right arm! This means that my collarbone is healing up well and while it still hurts to put body weight on it, it means it will be fully healed in probably another week or two. Yay!!!!
--Today my mom and I visited a local community garage sale, and I got around 16 "Le Plume" scrapbooking pens for $4. Now, that may not make sense to most of you, but let me say that they are really nice markers with two different point tips that, when sold individually, usually cost between $1-$2 EACH. So, as simple math will tell you, I got me a bargain!!

That's all for now folks, PM meds are making me sleepy so it's bedtime. G'nite!


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