Friday night I found out about my awesome new job =D

This photo here on the left is Christine, Me, and Steph! We all met through our sorority and Christine loves The Phantom of the Opera as much as I do, perhaps even more. And Steph? She's just Fabulous--with that capital F.
All in all it was a really great time and I'm really glad we decided to go up.
On the way home we ran into this killer rainstorm and that was a little bit nerve-wracking, but, we survived (clearly!)
Sunday I went to the Solon Center for the Arts and I saw their production of Kiss Me Kate, the show that I was going to Stage Manage but had to quit because of the accident. It was sooo good! I was really impressed with everything--costumes, acting, singing, dancing, lights, orchestra--everything! It was a great way to kick off the Signature Series there, which also includes Madame Butterfly in September and Christmas Carol Rag in December. If you live in Solon and get a chance to go see those shows--do it!!! Truly great theatre done there.

In other random news I finished Sarah Dessen's new book. It was really good!!! Then today at Wal*Mart I bought One Day--which will be a movie this summer with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. I saw the preview for the film and decided to read the book before seeing the movie because the movie looks cute so it's likely that the book will be better.
I think that's all I've got for now. I really kind of like the rain we're getting---I feel less guilty about not being able to enjoy the weather when it's crappy anyways.
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