Wednesday, October 19, 2011

P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

October 20, 2011
Sorry it’s been awhile since my last post, y’all!

I’ve been on the ship almost a month now and I feel like I’m really into the swing of things! We are in Port Douglas, Australia right now and I decided not to get off the ship today. I was able to get off yesterday for a few hours in Airlie Beach, but it was a tendering port which means the ship anchors out in the water and smaller boats carry people back and forth to the piers. We’ve had a couple ports like that already, but, this was the worst because the tender ride was 20 minutes and the seas were really rocky and it was raining. Guests were so unhappy and the people in charge of the tendering operations were all in very sour moods, understandably so. Anyways, I had a good time in Airlie Beach with the dance captain, Kim, and it was just really nice to get off the ship after 12 days!

As many of you know I didn’t get off the ship in Sydney, but, the view from the top deck of the ship was breathtaking! I stayed up until 4am with my friend Raf and we went up to the deck and watched as we sailed into the Harbor. My goodness there was never anything so beautiful! We sailed in and it was still dark so everything was lit up and sparkling and amazing—we nestled in right between the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge…it was almost as though I could reach out and touch the Opera House!

We still have a number of cases of the Noro Virus on board, which means we are still keeping our guards up so that we don’t have the number of cases like we did last cruise. Hopefully we won’t have to start cleaning the whole ship at every port again like we had to last cruise—UGH! That was never any fun and always made people very very angry.

Other than that I’ve just been hanging out with people on the ship, going to the crew bar, watching movies, et cetera, it’s been a blast. It’s really going to suck at the end of this cruise because a lot of people are going to leave on the 31st and it’s going to be the first time people that I’m pretty close to leave the ship. Thankfully before that though we’ve got some fun crew activities coming up—free Tango lessons with the couple from the Tango show are tomorrow night, then on the 23rd we’ve got Latin Dance night in the Crew Bar which will feature music from the band members from the orchestra and then on the 29th the Black Shirts (aka me and the rest of the production team) are hosting the Costume Party for Halloween!

Now, I will leave you with some photos (finally!) I hope you enjoy!
Opera House at night

My ship in Moorea

Me in Bora Bora

View of the Opera House from the top deck of the ship

I miss you all very, very much!


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