Saturday, September 10, 2011

More red tape..........

Well, y'all, still trying to be cleared (medically) to board a ship. Because of my accident they keep making me do all these tests and get all these letters saying that anything I do on board the ship won't exacerbate my injuries. I understand why they need to make sure, but, lemme just say, it's a huge pain in the butt.I PROMISE to let you all know as soon as I know when I'm leaving, where I'm going, what's going on. I appreciate all of you asking me how things are going, but, I don't ever have anything new to report! It's no fun! Keep crossing your fingers/praying/lighting candles/whatever it is you do in order to make this all work out for me :) I really think this is what I'm supposed to be doing, I just WANT IT TO HAPPEN ALREADY!

In other news, I was in Meadville last weekend visiting some friends I have up there and some people who were in town for a wedding. That was a whole lot of fun, but also a little weird because there are now officially more people there that I don't know than ones that I do, so, it's bizarre.

I've been working at the country club, same as usual, nothing new there. I am super lucky to have that job though, they're so flexible about when I can work and they're being way awesome about this whole Royal Caribbean thing, being like ok! Just let us know when you can't work anymore! And just generally fabulous. My bosses are glorious, my co-workers are sweet, it's just been a great job to fall back on for the last 5 years.

Also, it's now officially 9/11/11. I won't belabor this point too much, but, everyone take a moment today to pause and think about the people who fight for our freedom and safety every day. Pause for those men and women fighting at home and abroad, those policing the streets, patrolling the airports/subways/trains, putting out fires, rescuing people, and any and all those who do heroic things that I haven't even mentioned. Thank you, to all of those people. A warm, genuine, thank you.

That's all for me folks, have a good one!

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