Wednesday, April 13, 2011

There's no place like home

Well, everyone, it's official: I am home! I am right now snuggled up in my new bedroom on the main floor, in my beautiful yellow sheets, having had a shower, a nice meal provided by a neighbor, and tried out my wheelchair & walker around the house. Getting around is going to be hard work but essentially that's a good thing, it's basically like it's more physical therapy which is good for me, just exhausting!!

Oh, and just in case you're curious, this is basically what my walker looks like. It has the handle in the middle (only my middle handle is faced towards the left) so that it can be moved with just one hand while maintaining balance on the floor. It's called a stroke walker I think because it's designed for people who can't use one side of their body to move themselves around. Basically how I move is I let my right leg and arm hang there like dead chickens and I hold the center pole with my left hand and I move the walker forward a little, then I hop forward on my left leg. Rinse. Repeat. Hence: I get very tired very fast. BUT at least it means I can move.

I could post a picture of my wheelchair but it's pretty much a standard wheelchair so you all know what that looks like I would hope!

My new schedule is going to have me getting up early and getting to bed early like an adult, it's going to be so weird! But we will adapt. A lot of adaptations are coming my way, but luckily I have a tremendous support system to help me out!

So, now it's bedtime. More tomorrow!


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